Friday, May 13, 2011

Job Search

I really want to consistently blog. I really do. But two things have taken over my life lately. Portal 2, and searching for a job. Lucky for me, I beat Portal 2, so now I have nothing else to help me procrastinate from looking for a job other than this! Yay!

Searching for a job is kind of like Portal 2: It's puzzling, 
and there's probably a giant robot computer thing trying to kill me.

But who knew that finding a job could be so frustrating! You have to like go places and fill out applications or go online and fill out applications and they have like really long questionnaires about whether you would help a customer or if you've committed murder or steal puppies or kill stolen puppy customers and it's really boring and stuff. And then you do all this for them to be like "lol no" and you don't get the job and you live as a hobo.

Also some sort of mutant clown-Waldo or apparently.
So I end up between a rock and a hard place and also theres like a hobo clown-Waldo hitting me with his scarf: Do I spend time trying to get a job when all the good jobs don't want me and all the stupid ones are stupid? Or do I just give up and deal with the constant nagging from parents?

That Rock-Author star doesn't seem to be too impossible of a job after all...

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